Hillwood Office on Turtle Creek — Dallas, TX
White Oak Veneer with Clear Finish
SKU(s):1412-8, 1426-3
The Hillwood Development Company’s new offices at Turtle Creek, Dallas feature 10,576 square feet of white oak veneered, wood grille ceilings in the reception area, dining area, boardroom and second and third floor conference rooms.
The ceilings are comprised of 50 unique panel types and 1,055 total panels.
The office’s signature ceiling—a 3,206-square-foot, single elevation installation in the dining area—features 150 individual wood grille panels and seven specially designed access panels.
The wood grille panels have 12 to 15 blades of varying depths and spacings. Each panel had to be installed in proper sequence. But, the ceiling’s varying blade depths and spacings create a distinctive look.
“It was like assembling a giant jigsaw puzzle,” said Johnny Barnes, BakerTriangle Dallas Division president.
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1400 Dowel/Cross Piece Grille
A seismically compliant system with classic character, it’s ideal for designs with deep members.
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Mithun, Seattle, Washington
BakerTriangle, Dallas, Texas
October 2016
2017 CISCA Award of Excellence (South Region, Office)


Case Study
Impressive On All Levels
9Wood’s wood grille ceilings at the Hillwood offices are massive—10,576 square feet.
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